
My Life As A Crafter

My life as a crafter began long before I can even remember. My Grandmother had (and still does to this day) an entire cabinet dedicated to my paint, crayons, glue sticks, paper, popsicle sticks, glitter, etc. I was constantly gluing or painting things every chance I got. Now that I am older, I have about 6 totes of crafting material. From beads, to sewing stuff, to fabric, and three (yes 3) glue guns I probably have anything and everything I would need to keep me busy for at least a year if the situation warranted. That being said, I want to share some of my best crafting work with you here. Not everyone can be a crafter. Sometimes it takes you pausing in the middle of a conversation with someone else and looking over at that vase that caught your eye because all of a sudden you envisioned it painted with jewels and peacock feathers coming out of it. It is just a gift, I think. Not to sound cocky, I am a beginner sewer but I am self taught. My ideas come strictly through my head and while yes, I do browse Pinterest, true artists never want their work to be the same as anyone else's. 

Ashley's Magic Shaving Scrub

It's that time of year again, SUMMER. And for those of us who were not blessed with the ability to go months without shaving, you know that with summer brings extra shaving. Unless of course you don't care, and then I applaud your bravery. No one's hair is the same. Unfortunately for me, I fall under what I call the "boars hair" category. This means that if I shave my legs today at 10:00 p.m. by 10:00 a.m. the next morning, my hair will have grown back before most men even think about their 5:00 shadows. It's almost like getting out of bed to make it just to have to jump back in it at the end of the day. You do it but its pointless. A never ending cycle of aggravation.

Lucky are those that can afford things like electrolysis and waxing because if I had the money I would have them zap these hairs away in a heartbeat. BUT the waxing is out of the question, I have too much thigh and am not about to sit there for 4 hours while they torture me just to have to pay an arm and a leg to have to go back in two weeks! Of course, by the time I add up all the razors I use I probably could afford it after all. That is beside the point though, tonight I decided I wanted smooth legs. Not just shaved legs because if you have boars hair leg hair like I do, you know that your legs never REALLY feel smooth. So, I took matters into my own hands and got my Gryfinndor magic going.

I present to you, my 
Magic Shaving Scrub Recipe!

1/2 cup sugar (can be granulated, in the raw, or brown sugar)
1/4 cup olive oil (almond oil is good too)
1 egg white, beaten
a few squeezes of fresh lemon or lime (optional)

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Draw your bath and then soak for at least 5 minutes. Shave your legs as normal with shaving cream and then rinse. Next, take a handful of the sugar scrub mixture in your hand and rub it up and down your legs from the bottom to the top of your thighs. I even used it on the bottom of my heels. Once you have exfoliated well, rinse your leg and then shave again. Yes, again. Use shaving cream of course but this time you should get less hair in your razor and more dead skin. Repeat on your other leg then rinse both well. The olive oil acts as a moisturizer and makes your legs feel soft while the egg whites act as a skin tightener to combat cellulite and that unwanted "jiggle". And there you have it, a cheap, easy way to get those gorgeous gams ready for beach season. Enjoy! 

Gender Reveal Party Invites

Used to be a beat up, white wicker chair until we painted and Reupholstered