My Life As A Bookie/Nookie

I am a Bookie on A Nookie Now =)

Two years ago I received my Nook color for Christmas and I must admit that it was one of the best gifts ever! If you are an avid reader like I am you will understand my skepticism that I would be able to get the same feeling of turning real pages in a printed book but I have to say it IS rather convenient. It is much thinner than a book and the good part about it is that you an keep all the books you are reading or have read in one spot that can be taken with you. This helps a lot when you start on a book that you just can't get into and want to start another one. You can also lend and borrow books from your Nook friends. Now, I just need the time to read more often and I will be set! As I read, I will post what I am reading and a short review of them. Would love to hear what you are reading! 

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